Launching the site

Launching the site today (6/27/2022). Sorry it’s pretty basic. I really have no idea what I’m doing, but hopefully it works well enough to sell some scales. I may look into upgrading it down the line, possibly even getting some professional help if it seems like people like the online store approach. Until then, sorry I have no idea what I’m doing. Let me know if there are major issues.

Stock will be added on Friday (7/1/2022), sort of the grand opening I guess. It will be all titanium 940 and Bugout scales. When I see how those sell, I will decide what I should make next. If all the 940 and Bugout titanium scales sell out, I will likely work on making some more right away. If not, I will probably work on a small batch of mini Bugout scales, and possibly a few inlaid titanium 940 and Bugout scales. I’ll also probably get some carbon fiber griptilian and mini griptilian scales going on the other mill while do the Ti scales, to add a bit of variety to the website.

That’s about it for now. Hopefully this all goes well. Let me know what you guys think.


Opening Night


What’s going on? (Continued)